News ID: 2150
Publish Date : 13 March 2018 - 10:05

Aston Martin And Rolls-Royce Ignite Verbal Dispute About Luxury

If this keeps up, passengers will be throwing Grey Poupon at one another instead of passing it politely between cars.
Khodrocar - Make no mistake folks – the auto industry can be a pretty tough place to do business. Some trash talk every now and then is the norm, especially when it comes to bragging rights on speed, or acceleration, or lap times. The latest chest-pumping, however, is about none of that. Furthermore, it involves two rather highbrow companies that, as far as we can tell, have never minced words in such a manner despite coexisting in the English countryside for over 100 years. We’re speaking of course about Aston Martin and Rolls-Royce.

According to the Financial Times, the opening volley in this war-of-words started with Aston Martin at the 2018 Geneva Motor Show. We all saw the automaker’s Lagonda Vision Concept at the show, backed by word that Aston Martin plans to revitalize the Lagonda brand as the "world’s first luxury brand exclusively driven by zero-emission powertrain technologies.” It seems the automaker may have also equated Rolls-Royce as the "Ancient Greece” of the motoring world, suggesting Aston Martin’s future push into the ultra-luxury segment will be a modern revolution that connoisseurs of opulent style will embrace.

Naturally, Rolls-Royce responded with all the fury a posh British brand could muster, saying Aston Martin had "zero-clue” about the customers for which Rolls-Royce caters, which one might say are certainly detail-oriented and meticulous when it comes to everything from the feel of the carpeting, to the temperature at which the on-board wine chiller cools the Chardonnay. Rolls-Royce apparently went on to suggest other car brands had copied the company’s vision, and though no specific names were mentioned, it’s pretty much understood that Aston Martin was in the crosshairs.

So yeah, it’s not exactly what you’d call a main-event cage match at the local Friday night wrestling hall. Seeing a pair of companies with such stature basically resorting to playground name-calling, however, isn’t without some measure of entertainment. Get your popcorn ready; it will be interesting to see where it all goes from here.

Source: Motor1